Hearing Aid Trial | Repair | Hearing Test for Adults, Children | Tympanometry | Auditory Verbal Therapy | Speech Therapy | Cochlear Implant Rehabilitation

Getting a hearing aid is a life-changing decision and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. A free hearing aid trial allows you to test your device of choice in day-to-day listening environments, at your own time and leisure. Here is all you need to know about trialling a hearing aid with Attune Hearing, India's only accredited hearing care experts.

Do you struggle with following conversations in noisy environments? Do you find it hard to keep up in group conversations and have your family and friends ever suggested you get your hearing tested? Have you been diagnosed with hearing loss before?

All of these are great reasons to not delay visiting your trusted, local Audiologist for a thorough hearing assessment. Together, you can find the hearing solution that is best for you, to get your hearing back on track.

Getting a hearing aid is a momentous decision to make. Hearing aids are a significant investment for your hearing and overall health. It oftentimes also involves a substantial monetary and time investment. What type of hearing aid you will be using for the next five years and longer, needs to be well thought through.

It is crucial that you are well-informed and satisfied with the hearing aids you are investing in, whether you’re a new or current hearing aid user.

Once you’ve decided on a hearing aid that best suits your needs and preferences, your Audiologist will explain how exactly your hearing aid works. Based on your listening needs, your Audiologist may configure your aid and add special functions. They will also show you options to connect your aid with several sources, like your smartphone and TV.

Your Audiologist will make sure that your hearing aid fits comfortably. It’s not uncommon that it’ll take a few weeks of wearing your hearing aid until you get used to the feeling.
